Did you know that your oral health can be significantly impacted by an apparently little practice like tongue thrusting? In this blog, we will discuss the origins, symptoms, and available treatments for tongue thrusting, as well as its influence on dental health. So buckle up and get ready to learn more about this exciting topic that has a worldwide effect on so many people. Contact a dentist in Cary, NC, to learn more about the tongue thrusting problem.
How Tongue Thrusting Affects Your Dental Health?
Several dental problems can arise from tongue thrust, a condition in which the tongue pushes up on the teeth. First or second tongue push, as well as regular or unusual tongue movement, can be applied to this seemingly harmless movement.
A main tongue thrust occurs when one’s tongue presses towards the teeth during routine functions, including eating, speaking, or tongue thrust swallowing.
Primary vs. Secondary Tongue Thrust
Primary tongue jab is a natural reaction that babies usually show until they are between 4 and six months old. However, lateral tongue thrust may appear later in life for a number of reasons, including expanded digit-sucking behaviors, the eruption of permanent teeth, or the loss of primary teeth.
Some triggers have the potential to trigger a secondary tongue thrust, which may result in dental and speech issues if left untreated.
Normal vs. Abnormal Tongue Movement
Normal tongue movement is essential for adequate swallowing and communication, and this movement can be made possible by the tongue muscles contracting properly. On the other hand, abnormal tongue movement—like tongue thrust—can cause speech difficulties and also misaligned teeth and dental arches.
It is vital to identify tongue thrust and seek suitable care in order to maintain ideal oral health and regular speech.
Why People Experience Tongue Thrust
Environmental factors, including allergies and the habit of tongue thrusting, as well as genetics, can cause tongue thrust.
Developing successful preventative and treatment plans for tongue thrust needs knowledge of its underlying causes.
- Hereditary factors
People who are particularly vulnerable to tongue thrust may have a few genetic components exposing them to the disease.
On the other hand, environmental factors have the potential to aggravate tongue thrust, which could end up in serious dental and speech problems due to a larger tongue.
- Environmental factors
Tongue thrust may develop from a wide range of oral behavior, such as thumb sucking and allergies. An infant’s retained infantile swallow and tongue-pushing behavior could originate from allergies that cause long-term expansion of the tonsils and adenoids.