A Guide on Vertigo: Here’s How You Can Get Back to Normal!

Having Vertigo isn’t the end of the road when you have the right doctors handling your case. This quick post will take you through all the symptoms of vertigo that you shouldn’t ignore, the tests that doctors use to confirm you have Vertigo, and the many ways in which Vertigo can be treated.

Dive in for all the details.

What Is Vertigo: Does It Mean You Won’t Be Able to Walk Normally Ever Again?

Vertigo is the medical term used to denote imbalance while walking. If you remember how your head used to spin after you ran in circles, round and round, you probably should guess what Vertigo feels like: You just can’t walk straight! This is the biggest symptom that you might have vertigo.

There are more though. Have a look:

  1. It feels that your body is in motion while you’re sitting still.
  2. You feel dizzy when you change positions from sitting to standing.
  3. It is impossible for you to balance your body while walking in a straight line.
  4. Don’t ignore the giddiness you might be feeling due to visual stimulation.

Any or all of the symptoms we’ve listed above are the torchbearers of Vertigo.

Now, you might be wondering if things would ever be normal again – the answer is, with correct treatment, yes!

You require treatment programs such as the Audiologie Centre West vertigo treatment program that starts with the evaluation of the condition.

The very first thing that an experienced audiologist would do is perform a series of tests. The results from all the tests are used as a bench line to understand how bad Vertigo is and what treatment would be able to help you the most.

Tests that Identify and Confirm Vertigo

There are basically 4 tests (or evaluations as you may call them) that doctors conduct to determine what’s the extent of Vertigo.

  1. The first test is VNG – it assesses your control over balancing your body.
  2. The second test is oculomotor assessment – Visual stimulation is used to identify if there’s any lesion.
  3. The third test is the evaluation of oscillopsia – It determines postural stability.
  4. The fourth test is BPPV – It determines how still the patient can be while sitting or standing.

All the results are inferred and that’s how the degree of handicap is found. Depending upon the degree of handicap, there are rehabilitation programs designed.

All in all, when you get your treatment done by the best doctors at clinics like Audiologie Centre West, you get the assurity that you’ll be provided with the best help possible to help you walk normally again.